Best Paper Award for the Dinner Seating Problem

The DISCO group's "Stable Dinner Party Seating Arrangements" wins the best paper award at WINE 2023. The paper studies avoiding conflict when seating your guests at the dining table.

by Stefanie Paul-Cavallier
Enlarged view: Wattenhofer Dinner Party
From left to right: Andrei Constantinescu, Damien Berriaud, Prof. Dr. Max Klimm (WINE 2023 Co-Chair)

Your festive dinner table is ready, and the guests are arriving. As soon as your guests take their assigned seats, two of them are unhappy about their neighbours and rather want to switch seats. Alas, right after the switch, two other guests become upset, and then pandemonium ensues! Could you have prevented all the social awkwardness by seating your guests “correctly” from the get-go?

The paper, pubished by Damien Berriaud, Andrei Constantinescu and Roger Wattenhofer, looks into the practical problem of finding a stable seating arrangement: one ensuring that no two guests feel the need to exchange seats.

To the paper: external pageStable Dinner Party Seating Arrangements


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