PBL SNF Bridge Aerosense Project paper wins Best Paper Award

The paper "WindNode: A Long-Lasting And Long-Range Bluetooth Wireless Sensor Node for Pressure and Acoustic Monitoring on Wind Turbines", authored by Raphael Fischer, Hanna Mueller, Tommaso Polonelli, Luca Benini, and Michele Magno has won the ICPS 2021 Best Presentation in Session Award at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS).

by Katja Abrahams-Lehner
From left to right: Tommaso Polonelli, Raphael Fischer, Hanna Mueller

The paper has been presented by Raphael Fisher who was working with Michele Magno and other staff at the Center for Project-Based Learning (PBL). The paper focuses on the design of the first MEMS-based surface pressure and acoustic smart measurement system ever that is thin, non-intrusive, robust, modular, low power and self-sustaining, wirelessly transmitting, easy to install and cost-effective for wind turbines. The sensor node in a wireless network will help wind turbine manufacturers to optimise the aerodynamic design of large, flexible rotors and help wind farm owner/operators detect faults and optimise operation. This smart wireless sensor node is fully designed and developed in PBL thanks to the research project Aerosense, founded by the SNF Bridge programme.


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