Enthusiasm for engineering

What opportunities does an engineering degree offer? To find out more about mechanical and electrical engineering, 80 girls from all over Switzerland participated in this year's taster day for schoolgirls.

by Stefanie Pfennigbauer

Interdisciplinary with a wide range of career opportunities - this is how all the speakers unanimously described their engineering studies. Master student Prachi Thureja talked about her research in the field of micro- and nanosystems, while Bachelor student Clara Henke gave an overview of her studies in electrical engineering. Carmen Koch, on the other hand, described her professional experience as a Technical Sales Engineer at a young company specializing in real-time simulations and tests. Dennis Kochmann, Professor of Mechanics and Materials Science, and Gabriela Hug, Professor of Electric Power Systems, provided further insights into the different areas of application for mechanical and electrical engineering.

In addition to the lectures, the schoolgirls were able to visit numerous labs, including the Flying Machine Arena with drone flights and the High-Voltage Laboratory. The event was organized by LIMES, the Women's Commission of the Akademische Maschinen- und Elektro-Ingenieur Verein. LIMES wants to inspire more young women to choose these science fields.

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