Photonics and IIS team won a student grant award given to the best 7 papers at SAS 2018

The paper entitled "An Accurate System for Optimal State Estimation of a Levitated Nanoparticle" by Michael Jost, Michael Schaffner, Michele Magno, Matthias Korb, Rene Reimann, Vijay Jain, Andrei Militaru, Michael Gross, Martin Frimmer, Jiawei Liao, Lukas Novotny and Luca Benini has been selected to receive a student travel award given to the best 7 papers in a total of 76 other papers, at the IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, held in Seoul, South Korea.

by Stefanie Pfennigbauer
Enlarged view: SAS 2018
Jiawei Liao, IIS student, (student award), Dr. Michele Magno, IIS, co-author, and Philip Mayer, IIS student, (Best paper award)

The paper has been presented by Jiawei Liao during the conference on 13 March 2018. The paper presents a collaborative work between the Photonics Laboratory of Prof. Lukas Novotny and the IIS group of Prof. Luca Benini. More information can be found here: external page


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