Research Photo Competition 2019

We proudly present the winners of the D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2019!

For the second time after 2016 a Research Photo Competition was organised at D-ITET. We received more than 40 orginal and surprising submissions from all research areas at D-ITET. With this great choice, it was very hard to designate the winners. So the jury, consisting of faculty members and a professional photographer, finally chose seven winners instead of five! And the winners are...

1st prize (CHF 700.-)

Musical Tesla
Raphael Färber, High Voltage Laboratory: "Spark(l)ing sound: The symbolic power of musical Tesla transformers" 

2nd prize (CHF 500.-)

From our hands to the space
Tamara Popovic, Millimeter-Wave Electronics Laboratory: "From our hands to the space: receiving data with maximum quality"

3rd prize (CHF 300.-)

Enlarged view: Diving into the unknown
Andreas Messner, Institute of Electromagnetic Fields: "Diving into the unknown"

4th prize (1/4) (CHF 150.-)

Listening to light in the brain
Johannes Rebling, Institute for Biomedical Engineering: "Listening to light in the brain"

4th prize (2/4) (CHF 150.-)

Enlarged view: low toxicity quantum dot emitters
Olesya Yarema, Institute for Electronics: "Pick your wavelengths: Color diversity and color purity of low toxicity quantum dot emitters"

4th prize (3/4) (CHF 150.-)

Tiny devices for a big challenge
Johannes Burkard, "Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems: "Tiny devices for a big challenge"

4th prize (4/4) (CHF 150.-)

How do you handle a million volts
Tim Schultz and Pascal Bleuler, High Voltage Laboratory: "How do you handle a million volts?"

Former events

D-ITET Research Photo Competition 2016

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